11. How to Transition into Product Management for Non-Techies Dec 22, 2020

Product Management is one of the best ways for non-technical professionals to join the tech boom. But, making a career transition is hard and often you need experience to get experience.

For this episode, Sophia Matveeva spoke to Juliet Eysenck, Product Manager at The Telegraph Media Group....

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9. The Business of AI with Harvard Business School Prof Marco Iansiti Dec 16, 2020

Harvard Business School professor of AI and digital innovation Marco Iansiti talks about what AI is, how it gets made and how it impacts organisations. Listen to get a case study on Ant Financial and learn how AI adoption has accelerated during COVID.


Key learning points:

  • AI is already...
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7. Intro to Algorithms and Big Data Dec 09, 2020

In this episode tech entrepreneur and Chicago Booth MBA Sophia Matveeva covers what algorithms are, how they are made and when rubbish data creates rubbish algorithms. Hear how Amazon’s recruiting algorithm experiment went horribly wrong.

Don't let the term algorithm scare you. It's...

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28. How To Hire And Work With UX Designers Dec 09, 2020

Great design is at the centre of the apps and sites we love. Bad design can kill a product, even if the underlying technology is world class.

Knowing how to hire the right designer and work with them effectively is a key skill all product makers need to have to succeed.

Listen to this episode to...

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6. Intro to Product Management with Facebook's Rags Vadali Dec 02, 2020

In this episode Sophia Matveeva talks to Rags Vadali about what product management is, what PMs do and what you need to get a job in PM.

Rags Vadali has managed product at Google, Facebook and various start-ups, and like Sophia, has an MBA from Chicago Booth. This interview is an...

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5. Top Mistakes Non-Technical Founders Make Nov 25, 2020

In this episode Sophia Matveeva covers the top five mistakes non-technical founders make, most of which she made herself. 

The main five mistakes to avoid are:

  • Don’t make developers your first hires. Your first hire should be a User Experience designer
  • Don’t confuse...
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10. Intro to Technology Acquisitions Nov 22, 2020

Listen to learn how and why corporates acquire technology startups. Understand why traditional businesses like Lululemon buy technology companies like Mirror, what red flags corporates look out for and how to startups can prepare themselves for acquisition.

In this episode, Paul Cuatrecasas, a...

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4. What Non-Technical Founders Need to Know About Tech Nov 20, 2020

David Segura is a perfect example of how non-techies can thrive in technology. His first venture, Giant Media, was a native video advertising exchange which David sold for millions to an ad tech company backed by TPG & JMI in 2014. Since then David has invested in almost 50 startups, many of...

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The Most Important Thing About Tech Nov 11, 2020

Tech products like apps, sites and algorithms are constantly evolving. Every time an app is released, its makers track how people use it. They use that information to improve it for the next release. 

Traditional products like the chair you are sitting on, are just made and sold to you. The...

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2. How I Built A Global Social Network with Robyn Exton Nov 05, 2020

Robyn is the CEO & Founder of HER, the world’s largest brand for LGBTQ women & queer people. Their app is home to 5 million people across the world, with dating and community connections, and their events run in 15 cities, hosting 50,000 people per year.

She is also an alumna...

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78. Introduction to UX design for Non-Techies with Sang Valte May 09, 2020

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works - Steve Jobs

Great design is vital if you want your app or site to succeed. Having great code is meaningless if your users cannot understand how your product works, or simply don't enjoy using it. Intuitive and easy to...

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Chaos Reigned At My Startup Before I Learnt Product Management Apr 21, 2020

After about a year of working with developers, a designer and a community manager to build Enty products, I started feeling pretty good about myself. After all, I started out with no idea about how apps or algorithms, and here I was with both. I even had a happy team. Go me!

So I decided that we...

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