74. How I got to the top in tech Nov 24, 2021

Jennifer Byrne studied Psychology at university and went on to become the Chief Technology Officer of Microsoft US. Listen to this episode to learn how this liberal arts graduate transitioned into tech and became one of the most senior people in the industry. 

Learning notes from...

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71. Why Uber competes with Tinder and with chocolate Nov 03, 2021

Consumer facing tech businesses like Uber aren’t just competing with other firms that provide a similar service. They’re competing with everything that vies for your attention.

This is why B2C tech businesses tend to be more innovative, better at design thinking and take...

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68. How smart start-ups and corporates hire product teams Oct 13, 2021

What’s technology for? Tech products can make our lives better and make businesses a lot of money. But, without a focus on the user and on the business, technology is an academic project at best, or just an expensive hobby.

In this episode, you’ll hear from Elisabeth...

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67. What Product Managers do and how to become one Oct 06, 2021

Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, and Ben Horowitz, the co-founder of VC fund A16Z, both started their careers as Product Managers (PMs).

PMs rise to leadership positions in the tech sector, because the job combines user perspectives, business needs and technological...

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66. Why cloud computing isn't just for techies Sep 29, 2021

You’ve probably heard the term cloud computing, but like most non-techies, you’re not sure what it means. In this episode, you’ll learn what it is and how businesses use it to solve problems.

You’ll learn from DJ Johnson, who works at Microsoft Azure. DJ started his...

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64. Product Management at Apple vs Amazon Sep 15, 2021

Product managers combine user perspectives, business needs and technology capabilities in one job. But, what they do day to day varies widely. In this episode, you’ll hear how what PMs do differs between Apple and Amazon from Souvik Bhattacharya, who has worked at both.

This episode is...

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56. How space tech impacts us all Jul 21, 2021

Space tech developments aren’t just a battle between middle aged billionaires. Nor is it a Cold War leftover. 

The technologies we use every day to watch TV and hail a taxi rely on connections in space. As the cost of space tech falls, and VC investment in the sector rises, the...

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55. What data scientists do and how to work with them Jul 14, 2021

Big data and predictive analytics can help you make profits, sell clothes and strike oil. But, unless you know how to ask data scientists the right questions and then use their answers, data are just a collection of meaningless facts.

Listen to this episode to learn what data scientists do and...

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42. How To Measure Success In Your Produc‪t‬ Apr 14, 2021

If you don’t where you’re going, you’re not going to get there. Having a key goal in your product means you can lead a team, track your progress and invest wisely. 

Whether you're funding a product or building one, listen to this episode to learn how to set your...

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39. What do tech CEOs actually do‪?‬ Mar 24, 2021

Whether you’re leading Netflix or a tiny start-up, you're going to develop similar skills. You will need to work with people who have different talents and skills to you, like your CTO or your tech lead.

Your job is to learn to ask the right questions and set clear aims, and then work with...

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37. APIs: why Uber uses Google Map‪s‬ Mar 10, 2021

You can login to Bumble with Facebook and Uber uses Google maps. This happens because Uber's servers are connected to Google via a special widget called the API.

In this podcast episode, Sophia Matveeva teaches what APIs are and how companies can use them to grow users and revenue. This is a...

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35. Apple vs Android: An Introduction To The App Econom‪y‬ Feb 24, 2021

Worldwide spending on Google Play and the Apple App store is projected to reach $171 billion in 2024.

The opportunity in making apps and investing in them is huge, but what exactly is the app economy? Before you get started, you need to know the key differences between the Apple and Android...

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