88. You can't be half pregnant
Mar 02, 2022
Developers don't work in the same ways as non-technical professionals. If you don't know how to work with developers, you can waste thousands of dollars and get very frustrated, as you'll see from the story Sophia shares on this week's episode.
Learning notes from this episode:
- A feature cannot be released when it is not ready. It is either ready to release, or it is not. There is no half way line. A feature can't be half ready, just like you can't be half pregnant.
- Developers usually work in two-week cycles, when they are focussed on a specific set of tasks. For example, in a two week period, developers may be working on a specific feature for an app. Then they release it, and start on another feature.
- Since what developers do affects the rest of what the product team does, this lesson is relevant if you want to work with other people in the product team, like designers, community managers and data scientists.
- Corporate accelerators for technology start-ups, which are ran by people who have never worked in a tech start-up are a very risky use of your time.
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(Image by Photo by Mario Gogh on Unsplash)
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